Will the TULPAR™ Posture Corrector solve my posture issues on its own?
The TULPAR™ Posture Corrector is a tool that can help improve your posture, however, it should be used in conjunction with proper exercise and posture techniques. It will take effort and dedication to achieve and maintain good posture.


Why does the posture corrector feel uncomfortable at first?

The body may not be used to the sensation of proper posture, so it may take some time to adjust. This discomfort is normal and is an indication that the product is working to help improve your posture. As you continue to use the posture corrector, your body will begin to adapt and the discomfort should decrease.


What is the size range of the correct? 

The corrector is a one size fits all with the additional straps to extend the size.

The sizing metrics are from _____ cm up to ____ cm (with the extension straps).


How can I find my measurements?

Use a tailor’s tape to measure the whole circumference of your chest, beneath the armpits.

If you do not have a tailor’s tape, then you can use string, or anything else to wrap the circumference of the chest, and use a standard tape measure to measure from the start of the string, up to the marked area.

You can also check out the instructions section for a guide to measurements.


How do you put the corrector on?

See our video instructions in the ‘Instructions’ section.


How long shall I wear the corrector?

Wearing it for 15-30 minutes a day if you have never used a corrector before is recommended. You should gradually increase this time as you get used to wearing it. 

We do not recommend wearing the corrector for more than 3 hours (in one go), because it is important that your body and muscles do not rely merely on supportive products.

The corrector is a tool to help you build awareness and aid in your posture correction process. It is important that you training into your lifestyle for both health and improving your postural muscles.

Check out our Posture Correction Guide for more information and workouts.


When should I stop using the corrector?

Wearing the corrector should not cause you pain. The whole point of it is to remind you to straighten your posture.

If you feel severe pain whilst using the corrector, we suggest stopping use immediately and consulting your doctor or physiotherapist.


Do I wear the corrector over or under clothing?

Whatever you feel comfortable with.

We recommend wearing the corrector for short intervals to allow the body to adapt, therefore, wearing it over clothing may be a more convenient solution.

A further suggestion would be to wear it over thin clothing so it does not rub against the skin, and also remains clean for longer.


Is the corrector noticeable under cloths? 

This depends on the type of clothing you wear it under. If you wear it under tight clothing, such as a T-shirt, then it will be noticeable. However, it is not noticeable if you wear it under more relaxed clothing, shirts, and jackets.


How do I wash and care the corrector?

The corrector is made from neoprene, therefore you should not machine wash, tumble dry, iron, or bleach the product.

We recommend hand washing it in warm water and air drying it.